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Practical Law - Research Essentials

  • Switch to different platforms Practical Law UK/US/Global Home
  • Utilise personalized functionalities
  • Conduct a Home Page search
  • Understand the resource of Practices Notes on explanation of laws
  • Learn how the maintained content on Practical Law saves research time
  • Understand the resource of Standard Documents for contract drafting
  • Understand the resource of Checklists for project or transaction planning
  • Know different types of Checklists
  • Meet the Team — Practical Law's Expert Attorney Editors
  • Ask the Team
  • Set up Email alerts on Legal Updates to stay up-to-date.
  • Access What’s Market - summaries of recent deals and compare provisions
  • Browse by practice area under Global Guides or on Global Home
  • Perform a global Q&A comparison
Start Date
End Date

Practical Law - Research Essentials

  • Switch to different platforms Practical Law UK/US/Global Home
  • Utilise personalized functionalities 
  • Conduct a Home Page search
  • Understand the resource of Practices Notes on explanation of laws
  • Learn how the maintained content on Practical Law saves research time
  • Understand the resource of Standard Documents for contract drafting
  • Understand the resource of Checklists for project or transaction planning
  • Know different types of Checklists
  • Meet the Team — Practical Law's Expert Attorney Editors
  • Ask the Team 
  • Set up email alerts on Legal Updates to stay up-to-date.
  • Access What’s Market - summaries of recent deals and compare provisions
  • Browse by practice area under Global Guides or on Global Home
  • Perform a global Q&A comparison
Start Date
End Date

Westlaw Asia - Researching Hong Kong content

  • Understand the coverage of Hong Kong content available on Westlaw Asia.
  • Conduct a Home Page search for Hong Kong content. 
  • Conduct a Terms & Connectors search.
  • Navigate and filter results.
  • Browse to explore product content and scope.
  • Work with content search templates to locate relevant documents.
  • Confirm whether authority is still good law using Case Analysis.
  • Print and download Hong Kong content.
  • Locate legislation and access current and historic law. 
  • Access the Legislation Analysis information to understand the application of the law and how it has changed.
  • Utilise current awareness sources to stay up-to-date.
  • Search and locate Journals and Commentary. 
Start Date
End Date

Navigating Westlaw Classic

  • Understand the significance of Client ID.
  • Navigate the features and functionalities of Westlaw.
  • Browse or search by Content or by Federal and State Material.
  • Access Key Numbers to browse for cases listed under a legal issue.
  • Conduct a WestSearch.
  • Re-order results list.
  • Filter results or search within results.
  • Understand the significance of reported and unreported cases.
  • Navigate a case result.
  • Understand the different KeyCite Flags.
  • Search and browse for statutes and court rules.
  • Introduce International Materials.
Start Date
End Date

Westlaw Asia - Terms & Connectors (Advanced)


At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 

  • Understand the various Terms & Connectors and how they operate.
  • Apply Terms & Connectors in online exercises.
  • Identify keywords and the operators required to perform a search in Westlaw Asia.
  • Construct a search string combining keywords and Terms and Connectors.
  • Refine the results list on Westlaw Asia by applying filters or searching within results.
  • Locate Westlaw Asia Help and Support.
Start Date
End Date

Westlaw Asia (new) - Terms & Connectors (Advanced)


At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 

  • Understand the various Terms & Connectors and how they operate.
  • Apply Terms & Connectors in online exercises.
  • Identify keywords and the operators required to perform a search in Westlaw Asia.
  • Construct a search string combining keywords and Terms and Connectors.
  • Refine the results list on Westlaw Asia by applying filters or searching within results.
  • Locate Westlaw Asia Help and Support.
Start Date
End Date

Getting started with Westlaw Asia

  • Browse or search by ‘Content Type’ or ‘Jurisdiction’.
  • Conduct a Home Page search.
  • Filter results or search within results.
  • Re-order results list.
  • Create a search alert (ID Access).
  • Edit a search.
  • Browse to explore product content and scope.
  • Understand which content search templates to use to locate relevant documents.
  • Locate Westlaw Asia help and support.
Start Date
End Date

Westlaw Asia (new) - Terms & Connectors (Advanced)


At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 

  • Understand the various Terms & Connectors and how they operate.
  • Apply Terms & Connectors in online exercises.
  • Identify keywords and the operators required to perform a search in Westlaw Asia.
  • Construct a search string combining keywords and Terms and Connectors.
  • Refine the results list on Westlaw Asia by applying filters or searching within results.
  • Locate Westlaw Asia Help and Support.
Start Date
End Date

Westlaw Asia - Terms & Connectors (Beginner's workshop)


This beginners workshop covers the various Terms & Connectors on Westlaw Asia and how they operate. Attendees will then proceed to apply Terms & Connectors in an online exercise and understand how to use them in their searches and post-search filters.

Start Date
End Date

Practical Law – Research Essentials (한국어)


Practical Law 는 글로범 로펌과 사내 법무 부서에 클라이언트 서비스 니즈를 다루기 위해 필요한 자료를 제공하며 법무 효율성을 높이고 있습니다. 각 분야의 전문가 Attorney editors 가 최신으로 컨텐츠를 업데이트하여 이용자는 매일 업무에서 자료를 바로 활용할 수 있게 됩니다. 

  • Switch to different platforms Practical Law UK/US/Global Home
  • Utilise personalized functionalities
  • Conduct a Home Page search
  • Understand the resource of Practices Notes on explanation of laws
  • Learn how the maintained content on Practical Law saves research time
  • Understand the resource of Standard Documents for contract drafting
  • Understand the resource of Checklists for project or transaction planning
  • Know different types of Checklists
  • Meet the Team — Practical Law's Expert Attorney Editors
  • Ask the Team
  • Set up Email alerts on Legal Updates to stay up-to-date.
  • Access What’s Market - summaries of recent deals and compare provisions
  • Browse by practice area under Global Guides or on Global Home
  • Perform a global Q&A comparison
Start Date
End Date

Westlaw Edge UK

  • Understand the coverage of UK content available on Westlaw Asia.
  • Conduct a Home Page search for UK materials.
  • Utilise Westlaw Questions (Westlaw Edge UK exclusive).
  • Conduct a Natural Language search.
  • Conduct a Terms & Connectors search.
  • Work with content search templates to locate relevant documents.
  • Confirm whether authority is still good law using Case Analysis.
  • Understand how Case Analytics operates (Westlaw Edge UK exclusive).
  • Locate legislation and access current, historic and prospective law.
  • Access the Legislation Analysis information to understand the application of the law and how it has changed.
  • Create alerts, including Legislative alerts (Westlaw Edge UK exclusive).
  • Utilise current awareness sources to stay up-to-date.
  • Search and locate Journals and Commentary.
Start Date
End Date

Navigating Westlaw Classic

  • Understand the significance of Client ID.
  • Navigate the features and functionalities of Westlaw.
  • Browse or search by Content or by Federal and State Material.
  • Access Key Numbers to browse for cases listed under a legal issue.
  • Conduct a WestSearch.
  • Re-order results list.
  • Filter results or search within results.
  • Understand the significance of reported and unreported cases.
  • Navigate a case result.
  • Understand the different KeyCite Flags.
  • Search and browse for statutes and court rules.
  • Introduce International Materials.
Start Date
End Date