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로앤비 - LAWnB Professional

  • 법령 연계 컨텐츠 - 온라인 주석서 '온주' 소개 (72종)
    • 기업 공통: 개인정보보호법, 산업안전보건법 , 근로기준법 등
    • 금융: 자본시장과 금융투자업에 관한 법률, 여신전문금융법 등
    • 공정거래: 독점규제 및 공정거래에 관한 법률, 하도급거래 공정화에관한법률 등
    • 조세: 법인세법, 소득세법, 세법, 상속세 및 증여세법 등
    • 지식재산: 특허법, 저작권법, 디자인보호법 등
    • 건설/부동산: 상가건물임대차보호법, 주택법, 국토획이용에관한법률, 등
    • 방송통신: 전기통신사업법, 전자금융거래법, 전자상거래법 등
    • 공공: 국가를 당사자로하는 계약에관한 법률 등
    • 기본법 주석서 (7종)과의 차이점 및 집필진 소개
  • 온주 활용 방법
    • 판례 인용 조문과 연결하여 주석서 확인 가능
    • 조문별 해설 (주요 판례 및 실무 자료) 접근 가능
    • 키워드를 통한 개법별 주석서 본문 검색
  • 판례 히스토리 기능 및 등재 신청 서비스
    • 쟁점별 참조판례 제공
    • 판결문 등재 신청 이용방법
  • 로앤비 개인화 서비스 - 법률 정보를 더 빠르게 확인, 정리 및 관리할 수 있는 나의 검색, 나의 법규집, 법령 및 키워드 업데이트 이메일 알림 기능 등
  • 참석자 혜택: 웨비나 참석자들에게 2021 로앤비 법률 동향 리포트 묶음 (총 6권)이 공유될 예정입니다.


Start Date
End Date

로앤비 - LAWnB Pro

  • 법령 연계 컨텐츠 - 온주 소개
  • 온주(개별법 주석서) 활용 방법 
  • 판례 히스토리 기능 및 등재신청 서비스 이용
  • 개인화 서비스 1 - 나의 검색, 나의 법규집
  • 개인화 서비스 2 - 법령 업데이트 및 키워드 이메일 알림
  • 고객 지원 홈페이지(톰슨 로이터 코리아/로앤비 이벤트) 안내
Start Date
End Date

로앤비 - LAWnB Pro

  • 법령 연계 컨텐츠 - 온주 소개
  • 온주(개별법 주석서) 활용 방법 
  • 판례 히스토리 기능 및 등재신청 서비스 이용
  • 개인화 서비스 1 - 나의 검색, 나의 법규집
  • 개인화 서비스 2 - 법령 업데이트 및 키워드 이메일 알림
  • 고객 지원 홈페이지(톰슨 로이터 코리아/로앤비 이벤트) 안내
Start Date
End Date

Practical Law (Global Law Department) - Research Essentials


At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the coverage of content available for Practical Law Global Law Department (UK, US and China).
  • Navigate different functionalities at the Practical Law Homepage.
  • Conduct a Home Page search.
  • Access Practices Notes for explanation of current laws and practice.
  • Access market-leading Standard Documents for contract drafting.
  • Access Checklists for project or transaction planning.
  • “Meet the Team” behind the resources on Practical Law. 
  • Utilise the ASK function for answers from in-house experts on questions on law or content.
  • Browse Legal Updates to stay up-to-date on different practice areas.
  • Access What’s Market to have an overview on the market deals.
  • Browse and search for journal articles under PLC Magazine.
  • Access Global Guides for international content.
  • Perform a global Q&A comparison.
Start Date
End Date

Westlaw Asia - Research Essentials for Students (Hong Kong and United Kingdom)


At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the coverage of Hong Kong and United Kingdom content available on Westlaw Asia.
  • Conduct a Home Page search.
  • Conduct a Terms & Connectors search.
  • Navigate and filter results.
  • Work with content search templates to locate relevant documents.
  • Confirm whether authority is still good law using Case Analysis.
  • Print and download content.
  • Locate legislation and access current and historic law. 
  • Access the Legislation Analysis information to understand the application of the law and how it has changed.
  • Utilise current awareness sources to stay up-to-date.
  • Search and locate Journals and Commentary.
Start Date
End Date

Westlaw Asia - Researching Legislation and Commentary (Malaysia and United Kingdom)


At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the coverage of Malaysia and United Kingdom content available on Westlaw Asia.
  • Conduct a Home Page search.
  • Work with content search templates to locate relevant documents.
  • Navigate and filter results.
  • Locate legislation and access current, historic and prospective law. 
  • Access and understand the Legislation Analysis information.
  • Print and download content.
  • Search and locate Journals and Commentary. 
  • Utilise current awareness sources to stay up-to-date.
Start Date
End Date

Westlaw Classic - Legislation and Secondary Sources Research for Students


At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 

  • Understand the coverage of legislation and statutes available on Westlaw Classic 
  • Use WestSearch to find Statutes & Court Rules and Regulations
  • Navigate and filter search results
  • Sort results list 
  • Ascertain what KeyCite Flags represent
  • Understand Notes Of Decisions
  • Navigate KeyCite tabs  
  • Browse Secondary Sources content
  • Use WestSearch to find Secondary Sources
  • Print and download content
  • Help and Support
Start Date
End Date

Practical Law UK - Fast Draft (Document Automation)


At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Ascertain which precedents have Fast Draft capability.
  • “Meet the Team” behind the resources on Practical Law.
  • Access Fast Draft.
  • Minimize drafting time. 
  • Understand why the features and functionalities can eliminate human error.
Start Date
End Date

Westlaw Asia - Researching Legislation and Commentary (Hong Kong and United Kingdom)


At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the coverage of Hong Kong and United Kingdom content available on Westlaw Asia.
  • Conduct a Home Page search.
  • Work with content search templates to locate relevant documents.
  • Navigate and filter results.
  • Locate legislation and access current, historic and prospective law. 
  • Access and understand the Legislation Analysis information.
  • Print and download content.
  • Search and locate Journals and Commentary. 
  • Utilise current awareness sources to stay up-to-date.
Start Date
End Date

Westlaw Asia - Case Law Deep Dive for Malaysia


At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the coverage of Malaysia cases available on Westlaw Asia.
  • Work with content search templates to locate relevant documents.
  • Navigate and filter results.
  • Confirm whether authority is still good law using Case Analysis.
  • Print and download cases.
Start Date
End Date

Practical Law (Global Law Department) - Research Essentials


At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the coverage of content available for Practical Law Global Law Department (UK, US and China).
  • Navigate different functionalities at the Practical Law Homepage.
  • Conduct a Home Page search.
  • Access Practices Notes for explanation of current laws and practice.
  • Access market-leading Standard Documents for contract drafting.
  • Access Checklists for project or transaction planning.
  • “Meet the Team” behind the resources on Practical Law. 
  • Utilise the ASK function for answers from in-house experts on questions on law or content.
  • Browse Legal Updates to stay up-to-date on different practice areas.
  • Access What’s Market to have an overview on the market deals.
  • Browse and search for journal articles under PLC Magazine.
  • Access Global Guides for international content.
  • Perform a global Q&A comparison.
Start Date
End Date

Westlaw Asia - Terms & Connectors (Advanced)

  • Understand the various Terms & Connectors and how they operate.
  • Apply Terms & Connectors in online exercises.
  • Identify keywords and the operators required to perform a search in Westlaw Asia.
  • Construct a search string combining keywords and Terms and Connectors.
  • Refine the results list on Westlaw Asia by applying filters or searching within results.
  • Locate Westlaw Asia Help and Support.
Start Date
End Date