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Westlaw Classic - Legislation and Secondary Sources Research for Students (Korean)


사전등록이 필요합니다.

이 세션에 입장시 닉네임을 "학교명_학번_이름"으로 입력하지 않은 경우,  입장이 거절되거나 참석이 인정되지 않을 수 있습니다.

  • Understand the coverage of legislation and statutes available on Westlaw Classic
  • Use WestSearch to find Statutes & Court Rules and Regulations
  • Navigate and filter search results
  • Sort results list 
  • Ascertain what KeyCite Flags represent
  • Understand Notes Of Decisions
  • Navigate KeyCite tabs
  • Browse Secondary Sources content
  • Use WestSearch to find Secondary Sources
  • Print and download content
  • Help and Support
Start Date
End Date

Westlaw Classic – Statutes and Legislative History for Students


At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 
•    Learn how to research the legislative history for a specific act
•    Discuss where the act is codified and how to find legislative history for the act
•    Find the legislative history for a specific statute 
•    Find links to other documents on Westlaw that cite to your statute including cases, secondary sources, regulations, and administrative decisions 
•    Learn how Westlaw has made it easier to search the statutes including by the popular name of the act
•    Understand Legislative history materials on Westlaw 

Start Date
End Date

Westlaw Classic - Legislation and Secondary Sources Research for Students (Korean)


사전등록이 필요하며, 별로도 배포된 안내문(PDF파일)의 참석방법을 참고해주시기 바랍니다.

이 세션에 입장시 닉네임을 "학교명_학번_이름"으로 입력하지 않은 경우,  입장이 거절되거나 참석이 인정되지 않을 수 있습니다.


  • Understand the coverage of legislation and statutes available on Westlaw Classic
  • Use WestSearch to find Statutes & Court Rules and Regulations
  • Navigate and filter search results
  • Sort results list 
  • Ascertain what KeyCite Flags represent
  • Understand Notes Of Decisions
  • Navigate KeyCite tabs
  • Browse Secondary Sources content
  • Use WestSearch to find Secondary Sources
  • Print and download content
  • Help and Support
Start Date
End Date

Westlaw - Legislation and Secondary Sources Research for Students (Korean)


사전등록이 필요합니다.

이 세션에 입장시 닉네임을 대학명_학번 혹은 이름으로 입력하지 않은 경우,  입장이 거절되거나 참석이 인정되지 않을 수 있습니다.


  • Understand the coverage of legislation and statutes available on Westlaw Classic
  • Use WestSearch to find Statutes & Court Rules and Regulations
  • Navigate and filter search results
  • Sort results list 
  • Ascertain what KeyCite Flags represent
  • Understand Notes Of Decisions
  • Navigate KeyCite tabs
  • Browse Secondary Sources content
  • Use WestSearch to find Secondary Sources
  • Print and download content
  • Help and Support
Start Date
End Date

Westlaw – Caselaw Research for Students (Korean)


사전등록이 필요합니다.

이 세션에 입장시 닉네임을 대학명_학번 혹은 이름으로 입력하지 않은 경우,  입장이 거절되거나 참석이 인정되지 않을 수 있습니다.

  • Understand the coverage of cases available on Westlaw Classic.
  • Use WestSearch to find cases.
  • Navigate and filter search results.
  • Sort results list.
  • Understand the difference between reported and unreported cases.
  • Ascertain what KeyCite Flags represent.
  • Navigate a case document.
  • Navigate KeyCite tabs.
  • Print and download cases content.
  • Understand and utilize Key Numbers to find cases quickly and efficiently.
  • Finding Help and Support.
Start Date
End Date

Westlaw – Caselaw Research for Students (Korean)


사전등록이 필요합니다.

이 세션에 입장시 닉네임을 대학명_학번 혹은 이름으로 입력하지 않은 경우,  입장이 거절되거나 참석이 인정되지 않을 수 있습니다.

  • Understand the coverage of cases available on Westlaw Classic.
  • Use WestSearch to find cases.
  • Navigate and filter search results.
  • Sort results list.
  • Understand the difference between reported and unreported cases.
  • Ascertain what KeyCite Flags represent.
  • Navigate a case document.
  • Navigate KeyCite tabs.
  • Print and download cases content.
  • Understand and utilize Key Numbers to find cases quickly and efficiently.
  • Finding Help and Support.
Start Date
End Date

Westlaw – Case Law Research for Students (Korean)


사전등록이 필요합니다.

이 세션에 입장시 닉네임을 대학명_학번 혹은 이름으로 입력하지 않은 경우,  입장이 거절되거나 참석이 인정되지 않을 수 있습니다.


  • Understand the coverage of cases available on Westlaw Classic.
  • Use WestSearch to find cases.
  • Navigate and filter search results.
  • Sort results list.
  • Understand the difference between reported and unreported cases.
  • Ascertain what KeyCite Flags represent.
  • Navigate a case document.
  • Navigate KeyCite tabs.
  • Print and download cases content.
  • Understand and utilize Key Numbers to find cases quickly and efficiently.
  • Finding Help and Support.
Start Date
End Date

Westlaw Classic – Case Law Research for Students (Korean)


사전등록이 필요하며, 첨부된 안내문(PDF파일)의 참석방법을 참고해주시기 바랍니다.

이 세션에 입장시 닉네임을 소속대학_학번 혹은 이름으로 입력하지 않은 경우,  입장이 거절되거나 참석이 인정되지 않을 수 있습니다.


  • Understand the coverage of cases available on Westlaw Classic.
  • Use WestSearch to find cases.
  • Navigate and filter search results.
  • Sort results list.
  • Understand the difference between reported and unreported cases.
  • Ascertain what KeyCite Flags represent.
  • Navigate a case document.
  • Navigate KeyCite tabs.
  • Print and download cases content.
  • Understand and utilize Key Numbers to find cases quickly and efficiently.
  • Finding Help and Support.
Start Date
End Date

Westlaw Classic – Case Law Research for Students (Korean)


사전등록이 필요하며, 별로도 배포된 안내문(PDF파일)의 참석방법을 참고해주시기 바랍니다.

이 세션에 입장시 닉네임을 "학교명_학번_이름"으로 입력하지 않은 경우,  입장이 거절되거나 참석이 인정되지 않을 수 있습니다.


  • Understand the coverage of cases available on Westlaw Classic.
  • Use WestSearch to find cases.
  • Navigate and filter search results.
  • Sort results list.
  • Understand the difference between reported and unreported cases.
  • Ascertain what KeyCite Flags represent.
  • Navigate a case document.
  • Navigate KeyCite tabs.
  • Print and download cases content.
  • Understand and utilize Key Numbers to find cases quickly and efficiently.
  • Finding Help and Support.
Start Date
End Date

Westlaw Classic – Case Law Research for Students (Korean)


사전등록이 필요하며, 첨부된 안내문(PDF파일)의 참석방법을 참고해주시기 바랍니다.

이 세션에 입장시 닉네임을 소속대학_학번 혹은 이름으로 입력하지 않은 경우,  입장이 거절되거나 참석이 인정되지 않을 수 있습니다.


  • Understand the coverage of cases available on Westlaw Classic.
  • Use WestSearch to find cases.
  • Navigate and filter search results.
  • Sort results list.
  • Understand the difference between reported and unreported cases.
  • Ascertain what KeyCite Flags represent.
  • Navigate a case document.
  • Navigate KeyCite tabs.
  • Print and download cases content.
  • Understand and utilize Key Numbers to find cases quickly and efficiently.
  • Finding Help and Support.
Start Date
End Date

Practical Law UK - Research Essentials


Attendees will be able to understand the coverage of content available on Practical Law UK, US and China, access our global content, navigate different functionalities on the homepage and introduce the Ask function and Meet the Team to understand who creates the resources available.

  • Understand the coverage of content available on Practical Law UK.
  • Navigate different functionalities at the Practical Law UK homepage.
  • Conduct a homepage search.
  • Access Practices Notes for explanation of current laws and practice.
  • Access market-leading Standard Documents for contract drafting.
  • Access Checklists for project or transaction planning.
  • "Meet the Team" behind the resources on Practical Law. 
  • Utilise the ASK function for answers from in-house experts on questions on law or content.
  • Browse Legal Updates to stay up-to-date on different practice areas.
  • Access What’s Market to have an overview on the market deals.
  • Browse and search for journal articles under PLC Magazine.
  • Access Global Guides for international content.
  • Perform a global Q&A comparison.
Start Date
End Date

Westlaw Asia - Case Law Deep Dive for United Kingdom

  • Understand the coverage of United Kingdom cases available on Westlaw Asia.
  • Work with content search templates to locate relevant documents.
  • Navigate and filter results.
  • Confirm whether authority is still good law using Case Analysis and status symbols
  • Print and download United Kingdom cases.
  • Utilise current awareness sources to stay up-to-date.
Start Date
End Date